We need you to make this show happen! Please sign up for a volunteer opportunity for the musical. Please note that if any slots are left vacant, then those tasks will not happen for the musical this year. For example, if no one signs up for lobby decor, then there won't be any lobby decor for the performances. Thanks!
Due to the snow, we are cancelling rehearsal for the Blue cast today. We will make up this rehearsal at a later date. Please check the calendar for Fridays COVID testing and rehearsal schedule.
COVID Testing update: Please do not bring your parents into the building during COVID testing. They will need to wait for you outside. Parent of Big Bad Musical Cast Members,
This Wednesday and Thursday Ms. Dallimore and Ms. Thompson will be hosting a mandatory parent meeting. We have 2 options available to accommodate for everyone's schedules. *You only need to attend 1 meeting. Wednesday (2/3) on ZOOM 3pm-4pm (This is an ONLINE meeting) Click this ZOOM meeting: (https://zoom.us/j/92974572273?pwd=ZDFhcEpkQTM3QWpUYlQySTZQNHAvUT09 (Password: Wasatch) Thursday (2/4) in the school auditorium 5:30-6:30pm (This is an IN PERSON meeting) In these meetings we will give you important information on the following topics: - Rehearsal Schedule (rough schedule and where to find when your student needs to be at rehearsal) - Costumes (general idea of what we're thinking and what your responsibility will be) - Performances - COVID protocols and testing requirements - Additional information and requirements for students and parents. |
December 2024