Rehearsals This Week Thursday- November 14
Verify T-shirt Size Form In the parent meeting we said we'd create a form for you to verify your student's t-shirt size before we get them ordered. Here is the T-shirt Size Form. If you feel confident in the size your student put on the audition form, there's no need to fill it out. This form will close this Friday, November 15th. Parent Meeting Video For those who missed the Parent Meeting Night, we have a video recording that discusses all the things we discussed in the meeting. Please note, we're re-using the video we used from last year. There are just some minor changes. We also have all updated information listed in this document. Performances for double-casted roles At rehearsal this week we had our Mrs. Tottendale's draw out which night each cast is performing. This is just for those who received a role that has been double cast to know when they will perform their part. Everyone is expected to perform all 6 performances. Double-casted cast members will spend their off nights performing in the ensemble.
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December 2024